Ivan Agoshtan:
*is brother in law to Misha Bokoch (pastor of the church in St Petersburg, Russia).
*is a pastor in a village in the western part of Ukraine.
*arranged for the translation into Ukrainian of the tract “Are You an Intelligent Person.”
He invited me to preach in his church in the village. It was a great experience. The church was full of Misha’s extended family, including brother’s, sisters, in-laws, nieces and nephews, and so on.
The translator was Kristina who spent a couple of years in the states some fifteen years ago. She asked for my sermon notes ahead of time. I supplied all the scripture texts in English, Russian and Ukrainian.
I gave them some tracts/booklets for his church. He said he was taking humanitarian aid to Kherson, a region in southeast Ukraine fully engaged in the war. I sent more than a 1000 of the booklets with him to share with pastors in that region.
I was also invited to lunch afterwards. This family is so kind and very hospitable.