I am sending regular updates via WhatsApp and Telegram. If you would like to receive the updates, it’s necessary to download either one of those apps. Usually those apps will notify me that a friend has downloaded the app. If I am notified, I will add you to the list of recipients. However, it’s best to personally notify me that you have downloaded either App and I will add you to the list.
Eight updates have been sent in the last two weeks via WhatsApp and Telegram.
I have a Ukrainian SIM card in my phone. TEXT and MESSAGES do not work unless I am in the states with my stateside SIM card. No updates will be sent through these apps.
The only way to receive updates is with WhatsApp or Telegram. These two programs don’t usually give notifications. So, it’s necessary to check the app to see if an update has been sent.
Last year in Ukraine I lived as a nomad – moving from one place to the next doing evangelism. There were a few items that made my life a little easier.
As I traveled I bought a small fan to keep cool at night, a tea pot to boil water for my coffee, plastic fork and spoon, towel and wash cloth, and last but not least, toilet paper (not every place I stopped had tp). Every item made my life a little easier.
This year two things have been a real help. Tammy bought a small power supply for my travels. I didn’t think I would need it, but didn’t know I would spend five days getting to Ukraine. It’s been a real blessing.
Plus, my left knee has been swollen and hurting like crazy. I took ibuprofen during the day but it just numbed the pain and I kept aggravating the problem. At night the pain was incredible. I laid hands on my knee and prayed over it. Then I bought a good knee brace. That has helped more than anything. The pain has subsided to tolerable and the swelling is slowly getting better.
I am so grateful for all who have made my trip possible. I hope to bring forth eternal fruit that will abound to your account. Kevin