Below is a tract we wrote while in Russia and recently translated into Ukrainian. I am taking 10,000 of those booklets with me when I go.

Ukraine 2023

***Last summer I went to Ukraine. Our pastor in Russia is Ukrainian.

While there I was able to visit his parents. I met them previously in St Petersburg in the late 1990’s. They marveled that I was in their country and at their home. They rejoiced to see me and treated me as a long lost son.

They were faithful believers even under persecution in the former Soviet regime. And today they face extremely trying times again.

***While there I had the opportunity to travel within the country, to see humanitarian aid in full force – visit shelters, soup kitchens, etc. But the most important service I offered was to show up, listen to them, to let them express their hearts and share their burdens. They need to be heard, and loved.

***The war and the resulting hardships are not going to end soon.

***People are open to the gospel like never before. Some are coming to know Christ as their Savior. New churches are being planted by pastors who have also become refugees.

***The purpose for my time in Ukraine is to build up local leadership and encourage those doing important work under challenging circumstances.

As I go there are always financial needs. God always provides – and that through His people. Below are the CURRENT FINANCIAL NEEDS:

  • translation expenses
  • printing expenses
  • travel expenses
  • housing expenses in country
  • car rental in country
  • incidental expenses
  • ongoing monthly support is also needed

Financial support for this trip can be done through my sponsoring church:

First Baptist Church
P. O. Box 336
Ranson, WV 25438

“Here am I, send me.”

Phone: 936.234.3180
electronic deposits: