The road to Ukraine 

The trip began at DFW on June 7 at 6 pm. First leg – Minneapolis, MN, then to Amsterdam and from there to Bucharest Romania.

The schedule was so tight between flights I went from one gate to another and walked onto the plane without sitting down in the airports.

I arrived according to schedule on June 8. It was great, but I knew my luggage would not arrive at my final destination with me. The airline delivered it the next day and all was well.


June 8-12

My friend Erick Schrock picked me up in Bucharest and we went directly to his home 3 hours away. He gave me an opportunity to rest at his home over the weekend. I also preached in his church Sunday morning. I so enjoyed that opportunity.



My first night in Romania my phone went crazy, blasting an alert. I was not expecting that in Romania. The alert was informing residents that a bear was roaming the parking lot at the local mall in the middle of the night. The Schrock’s live at least half a mile from the mall so I thought I should count myself “safe” from this alert. 

Besides that, Ericks’ two huge watch dogs had befriended me and were my constant companions. Thank you Max and Oreo for keeping me safe!