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Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volu

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 4 – HE’S DEAD!! Circumstantial evidence proving Christ rose from the dead. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discusses the overwhelming circumstantial and eye-witness, well documented, historical evidence of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. These tracts can be read online […]

Henry and Theo – Volume 1 – PIERCING

  Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 1 – PIERCING A clumsy effort to share Jesus with a stranger. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discussing how Christ died for us because He loves us. These tracts can be read online here or  you […]



We were created to worship God. And, Satan does everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen. Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to get to church on Sunday morning? The last thing Satan wants is for you to arrive at church fully focused with a proper attitude of worshiping Almighty […]