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Henry And Theo – A quest for Truth Volum

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 4 – IT’S NOT IMPORTANT!! The importance of what you believe verses just being sincere. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discusses the need to know and believe the truth and that truth is not relative but comes […]

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volu

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 4 – HE’S DEAD!! Circumstantial evidence proving Christ rose from the dead. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discusses the overwhelming circumstantial and eye-witness, well documented, historical evidence of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. These tracts can be read online […]

Henry And Theo – A quest for Truth Volum

Henry and Theo – Volume 2 – HENRY’S MAKEOVER How to pray and “turning over a new leaf”. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way.   This Gospel tract discusses how you pray and do this Christian walk, focusing on God’s mercy and grace. These tracts can be read online here […]

Desert Pete

Desert Pete

A thirsty desert traveler comes upon a strange site. Before him stands a rundown hut. Nearby is a well, the only source of water for miles around. Attached to the pump is a thin baking powder can with a message inside, written in pencil on a sheet of brown wrapping paper. This is the message… […]