Sunday May 29, 2022

The pastor of the church I planted in St Petersburg, Russia called me. He said he read that I was planning a trip to Hungary and Ukraine. He wanted me to know the church was praying for me.

He also reminded me that his parents live in the western part of Ukraine and hoped I could contact them if at all possible. He also said he has siblings in that area; that they don’t need humanitarian aid at present. But, they would like, if at all possible, to work with me.

It was a great phone call. I hope and trust there are many others praying for me also. My flight leaves Sunday June 5, at 8:20 AM from DFW. I should arrive in Hungary on Monday, at 10:20 AM. Pray that I rest/sleep as I travel so that I will be ready for whatever the immediate future holds. Also, pray for divine appointments (I think it would be great to meet and work with  family members of those whom I have worked with in the past).
