Tammy and I spent twenty-one years in St Petersburg, Russia. Twenty one years, three months and four days, but who’s counting?! We each had separate ministries. I worked in the church we planted within the Russian culture. Tammy worked in the international school and the expat community. Both ministries were extremely difficult, and with each passing year became even more difficult. It seemed Satan attacked us on several fronts. All we knew to do was power through the difficulties. We were exhausted.
So, in the summer of 2016 we spent a week with a Christian counselor hoping he could equip us with strategies to continue powering through. He asked each of us to create a time line of life events covering the past ten years. As we were reviewing our individual timelines with him, he stopped us. He asked, “OK. How far back have we discussed?” We both answered, “Three years.” Then he said, “You cannot continue this lifestyle without serious ramifications.” He didn’t even ask to hear the previous seven years. We went to him because we were desperate. He pointed out what we already knew. Changes had to be made.
Personally I knew I could not go on. There was neither strength nor will to move forward. So we returned to Texas July 31, 2017 planning to take a sabbatical and rest.
The 23rd Psalm has played an integral part in our time back in Texas. The Lord has given us rest and has restored our souls. It’s been incredible.
Do understand that the restoration has been totally dependent on God’s work in us. It is not anything that we could do for ourselves.
Below is a video that clearly depicts my inability to help myself.
I cannot watch the video without laughing. Like the sheep I was powerless to help myself.
Jesus the Great Shepherd is always faithful. He has ministered to us in so many ways during our sabbatical. He provides for the needs of all His sheep and wants to restore you. I hope you will let Him!