My time in Orlando, FL with Stadia church planting organization was very beneficial. I went to observe their three day process and was afforded an opportunity to participate.
The main lesson for me was assess church planters from every angle (mental, spiritual, marital, financial, etc) and don’t grade them on a curve (with grace).
A grade of:
1 — “ready to go.”
2 — “as you go, take care of ______, _____, etc.”
3 — “before you go, take care of _____, _____, etc.”
4 — “You are not ready. Come back in 2-3 years and go through the process again.”
There were a total of eight teams with 4-5 church planting couples. On the team I was participating with were four couples who had gone through all the assessments. All four couples were given a three. (In my assessments I gave three couples a 2 and one 3. They asked how I was making the assessments and I said, “on a curve with grace.” They told me it was difficult but necessary to be completely honest with the church planters and not set them up for failure.)
I am grateful they allowed me to participate.
December 2-9 I will be in Kenya, Africa. I will be traveling with International Christian Publishers. They are already working there, but looking to expand their operations. My purpose is to see how I can partner with them. There are always travel expenses. As I go, I never go alone and am very grateful for all who support me prayerfully and financially. Do keep me in your prayers! Your friend, Kevin