Back row L-R: Rita & Bill Johnson, me, John Sanders; Front: Moses wife, Titus and Moses (translators)
The trip to Kenya, Africa with International Christian Publishers (ICP) was amazing. Bill and Rita Johnson, John Sanders and myself flew into Nairobi, Kenya and stayed at the Heart Lodge. We arrived about midnight on December 3rd.
The purpose for the trip was multifaceted a) Check on progress of curriculum translation “Character Code for Life” focusing on discipleship, b) look at the possibility of purchasing land, and c) curriculum seminar in two different locations to multiple churches on December 7th and 8th.
I’m very grateful to all who made the trip possible. THANK YOU!

I was scheduled to speak once while there on Sunday, December 8th. However, I spoke three times; once to the Heart Lodge staff during their daily morning devotional; at the Character Code for Life Seminar at Naivasha, Kenya on Saturday; and on Sunday at church in the slums.

Seminar in Naivasha,Kenya
Both seminars were well attended and received.
We also had the privilege of meeting the founder of the Heart Lodge. Bill explained our purpose there and introduced her to the curriculum. She was very interested and expressed her desire to use the material. She said, “Africa has been evangelized. It has not been discipled well.” She was speaking from her extensive experience of working there for 25+ years.