AIR RAID ALERTS When I first got to Ukraine these alerts sounded every night from about midnight till 6 am. After the fiasco with Prihozhin the conditions for the alerts simply stopped. Saturday night/Sunday morning these conditions deteriorated and the alerts started all over again. I silenced the alert on my phone, but could not […]
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Category: Thoughts
When I first got to Ukraine these alerts sounded every night from about midnight till 6 am. After the fiasco with Prihozhin the conditions for the alerts simply stopped. Saturday night/Sunday morning these conditions deteriorated and the alerts started all over again.
I only had one conversation. I stopped and had a cup of coffee at a roadside store out in one of the villages. The owner was a young single mother, aged 22. Her name was Barbara and she was very talkative. Her uncle opened the store some 14 years ago and he turned it over […]
We went to another nearby town, Hust, and did evangelism.I loved the arrangement of the town square around the market – Very convenient. We ate lunch at a roadside diner. I always love doing stuff like that.
TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2023
We did evangelism on the town square that morning. That afternoon we met up with another missionary. We went with him to the army base. First we had lunch and afterward visited with the base commander. It was an incredible time.
Monday, June 26, 2023
Zhytomer appeared in the rearview mirror. My destination was Lviv. My intent was to do some evangelism and find a place to stay for the night. Upon arrival in the city I spent about an hour looking for a place with lots of foot traffic and then a place to park. Before evangelism I usually […]
Friday, June 23, 2023 Pearl Church went to an amusement park in Lviv and I joined them for the trip. The bus ride was five hours, one way. It was a great day, long, but such an awesome chance to get acquainted with the people in the church. Saturday was a day of rest with […]
I spent the first two weeks of my time in Ukraine in Zhytomer. Tony and Coretta were such gracious hosts. But I noticed a certain frustration, a very specific struggle. It took me by surprise. I came with the intention of doing as much evangelism as possible. And the first few days we did a […]
This is the slogan a church has adopted for Summer 2023. I like it. Whenever I thought about it, I wondered what that word should be for me. So, I wrote down several. ONE WORD FROM GOD CHANGES EVERYTHING And the list goes on. But trying to put it into better perspective I decided it […]
UKRAINE – A small catastrophe
A SMALL CATASTROPHE On Thursday the five of us drove outside the city and looked at some property. When we got there we were looking across the fence. I was taking a few pictures. A man and woman quickly came out with a key and let us onto the premises. I was able to communicate […]