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UKRAINE PROJECT 2023 (UPDATE) Travel arrangements have been made. I leave June 7th and return August 11th. To partner with me financially, please send your donation to my sponsor listed below and keep me in your prayers. IMPACTING LIVES To view the report in PDF click REPORT APRIL 2023 An eight year old spent the […]



To view the pdf click REPORT MARCH 2023 I plan to spend the summer, June through August, in Ukraine. If you would like to hear more about my objectives while there, please call or text me at 936.234.3180 or email at Your financial partnership is greatly appreciated. NEW BOOKLETS The first booklet is ready for […]

January 2023 Report

January 2023 Report

IVAN  A couple of weeks ago I talked to Ivan, my contact in Ukraine.  He found someone that does a great job translating from English to Ukrainian. One tract is complete – “Are You an Intelligent Person?” (24 pages) We’ve begun work on the series HENRY & THEO – A QUEST FOR TRUTH. The translation […]



Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth “Jesus made disciples. Be like Jesus.” The purpose of the literature is to evangelize and make disciples. The material is: HENRY AND THEOAuthor – Kevin PlasterIllustrator – Anonymous By Choice (ABC) Volume 1 – PIERCING A clumsy effort to share Jesus with a stranger (24 pages) Volume […]

October Newsletter

October Newsletter

UKRAINE I was hoping to make another trip to Ukraine this fall. That trip has been postponed for the time being. Tammy and I both hope to visit Russia sometime in the future, most likely early spring. Please pray for the proper timing and opportunity for both trips. EVANGELISM Evangelism was the main focus of my […]

August Newsletter

August Newsletter

LATEST NEWS FROM CORNERSTONE BC, ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 1. They found a way to help refugees in eastern Ukraine and have been collecting humanitarian aide for them. The picture on the right is their advertisement and it is poster size, except when distributed electronically. It states the purpose to aide those who have been negatively […]



July 20, 2022 UKRAINE On Sunday June 5, I went to Budapest, Hungary on my way to Ukraine in an effort to be the hands and feet of Jesus to displaced people. While in Hungary I helped Jim and Laura Pranger in their efforts to minister to Ukrainian refugees in Budapest.  I also went with […]

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

May 18, 2022 UKRAINE On Sunday June 5th I will be going to Hungary to work with men who are regularly going into Ukraine, delivering humanitarian aid and doing evangelism. The country of Ukraine is about as large as the state of Texas. We will be traveling in and out of the west side of […]

April Newsletter

April Newsletter

REFUGEES I have plans to go to Romania in June to help the Ukrainian refugees in Europe. I need to raise funds in order to do this. Your gifts will enable me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people in dire straits. Thank you in advance for enabling me to serve Christ […]

March newsletter

March newsletter

March 10, 2022 LITHUANIA About 20 years ago I went to Lithuania. I had been there before and was surprised that I was able to communicate with them in the Russian language. And I decided that if I ever returned to Lithuania, I would do evangelism. I did return and I did do evangelism. I […]