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The principle of “first mention” can be very helpful when studying the Bible. Here is a link to help understand “first mention.” SEXUAL FREEDOM The most prevalent issue of the American culture concerns sexual freedom. There is a community called LGBTQ+ and they are all about sexual freedom without any constraints or boundaries. Actually […]



From 1996 till 2003 we wore out two copiers printing gospel material and invitations to our church. This was not cost effective and the print quality was poor.   In 2003 I bought a new Risograph printer. This was much more cost effective and the print quality was very good. From 2003 to the beginning […]


On July 31, 2017 Tammy and I moved back to Texas from St Petersburg, Russia.  In the fall of 2019 we went back to St Petersburg, Russia to check on the ministries we left. One evening the church I planted was having a Bible study and I went to it. I arrived before the pastor. […]

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

May 18, 2022 UKRAINE On Sunday June 5th I will be going to Hungary to work with men who are regularly going into Ukraine, delivering humanitarian aid and doing evangelism. The country of Ukraine is about as large as the state of Texas. We will be traveling in and out of the west side of […]


How I planted a church in Russia (“It always seems impossible, until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela) 2017 Tammy and I moved from Russia to Texas in 2017. After our return I was contacted by a few missions organizations. Most wanted to know what we did while in Russia. Some wanted to know if we could […]

April Newsletter

April Newsletter

REFUGEES I have plans to go to Romania in June to help the Ukrainian refugees in Europe. I need to raise funds in order to do this. Your gifts will enable me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people in dire straits. Thank you in advance for enabling me to serve Christ […]

March newsletter

March newsletter

March 10, 2022 LITHUANIA About 20 years ago I went to Lithuania. I had been there before and was surprised that I was able to communicate with them in the Russian language. And I decided that if I ever returned to Lithuania, I would do evangelism. I did return and I did do evangelism. I […]

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

February 7, 2022 When I was a small child a missionary came to my church representing work being done in the Solomon Islands. His name was Neil Morley. He had a slide screen and projector and a few items from the Solomon Islands that he displayed on the front table near the projector screen. He […]

Desert Pete

Desert Pete

A thirsty desert traveler comes upon a strange site. Before him stands a rundown hut. Nearby is a well, the only source of water for miles around. Attached to the pump is a thin baking powder can with a message inside, written in pencil on a sheet of brown wrapping paper. This is the message… […]



We were created to worship God. And, Satan does everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen. Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to get to church on Sunday morning? The last thing Satan wants is for you to arrive at church fully focused with a proper attitude of worshiping Almighty […]