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Генрі та Тео -У ПОШУКАХ ПРАВДИ ЧАСТИНА 1: ПІРСИНГ!! Незграбна спроба поділитися Ісусом з незнайомцем. Покликаний допомогти вам розпочати духовні бесіди в приємний спосіб. У цьому євангельському трактаті розповідається про те, як Христос помер за нас, бо любить нас. Вартість друкованих трактатів безкоштовна. Вартість доставки безкоштовна Розмір: 6,6675 см x 10,16 см. Легко поміщається в […]

Henry And Theo – A quest for Truth Volum

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 4 – IT’S NOT IMPORTANT!! The importance of what you believe verses just being sincere. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discusses the need to know and believe the truth and that truth is not relative but comes […]

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volu

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 4 – HE’S DEAD!! Circumstantial evidence proving Christ rose from the dead. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discusses the overwhelming circumstantial and eye-witness, well documented, historical evidence of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. These tracts can be read online […]

Henry And Theo – A quest for Truth Volum

Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 3 – FABLES, MYTHS, & FAIRY TALES The Scriptures are trustworthy. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discussing how oceanography, astronomy, physics, archeology all support the truth of the Bible. These tracts can be read online here or  […]

Henry And Theo – A quest for Truth Volum

Henry and Theo – Volume 2 – HENRY’S MAKEOVER How to pray and “turning over a new leaf”. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way.   This Gospel tract discusses how you pray and do this Christian walk, focusing on God’s mercy and grace. These tracts can be read online here […]

Henry and Theo – Volume 1 – PIERCING

  Henry and Theo – A Quest for Truth, Volume 1 – PIERCING A clumsy effort to share Jesus with a stranger. Intended to help you start spiritual conversations in a winsome way. This Gospel tract discussing how Christ died for us because He loves us. These tracts can be read online here or  you […]

UKRAINE 2024                       May 1

UKRAINE 2024                       May 10, 2024

A COLABORER Last summer I spent two months in Ukraine doing evangelism. All in all I drove 5000 miles in country and distributed more than 10,000 booklets that were well received. Truth is I struggled getting started and knew encouragement (and accountability) was mandatory. I met Frank Grabanski the previous summer while in Ukraine. So, […]



A small candle was burning dimly in the living room.  Someone walked past and blew it out. It didn’t take much, just a light breath and the flame was extinguished. Then they walked away. What surprised me was the thin straight trail of smoke that lifted from the wick. Then it completely dissipated. I thought, […]


Sometimes the fresh flowing water in our lives cannot be seen by others. It may seem to the outside world our water is stagnant. They can’t see the fresh flowing water unless they look a little further downstream.