1. They found a way to help refugees in eastern Ukraine and have been collecting humanitarian aide for them. The picture on the right is their advertisement and it is poster size, except when distributed electronically. It states the purpose to aide those who have been negatively affected by the conflict in Ukraine, telephone numbers, address for collection, and times when the aide can be received. (I know the church would greatly appreciate your prayers on their behalf.)

2. One of the members has surrendered to the ministry. The church paid half of his tuition for him to attend a Bible college. He has been licensed to preach and they are planning ordination services for him at a later date.


I have resigned Wycliffe Bible Translators effective August 31, 2022.

I am transitioning to a role in outreach and evangelism. It’s essentially the same objective of my past missions experience. 

In Russia I wrote material that was both evangelistic and apologetic. Much of the material was written in the comic form. These were conversations I wanted to have with unbelievers. I wanted to explain my Biblical worldview to them if they just had the time.

Most unbelievers do not know what such a dialogue would look like. So, they are very guarded when someone tries to share the Gospel with them. But many people in Russia accepted my booklets, and read them when they had some free time. 

While distributing these booklets some told me in passing, “I already have that one.” This inspired me to produce new material. Hundreds of thousands of Gospel seeds were planted in this manner. This also resulted in the indigenous work that has continued five years after my departure without support from the West.

I want to print and distribute these booklets stateside. I’m also working to translate them into other languages. And, I have been working with International Christian Publishers to get the material printed.


I hope to return to Ukraine in late October. Do pray for these efforts to make God’s Word widely known.


Please partner with us both prayerfully and financially. Checks should be mailed to our sponsor: First Baptist Church, P. O. Box 336, Ranson, WV 25438