After I had been to Bible school for awhile I return to my hometown of Amarillo. While there I met up with one of my high school friends and his wife at a Denny’s restaurant. I shared my faith in Jesus with them.
Afterward while we were still sitting at the table he told me he thought I was full of a certain kind of matter. He knew my past and was looking for a reaction and got it. I was very angry with him and wanted to beat a certain kind of matter out of him.
Then he said if I was any kind of Christian I wouldn’t get angry. So he ignored my testimony.
Honestly, I did not know the best way to share my faith, what to expect or how to respond when mocked or belittled. It was a painful lesson.
Another time I returned to Amarillo and was asked to preach.
A childhood friend said he heard I was to preach and would like to come hear my sermon. I gladly gave it my best shot.
That day after my sermon he and his wife invited me to come over later that afternoon.
We sat in their living room and he began asking serious questions and I answered them to the best of my ability.
Honestly I was shocked when he said he needed to repent before God and trust Christ to be his Savior. So we knelt on our knees and he trusted Christ then and there. Unbelievable! I was stunned.
Many thoughts were running through my head, but mainly that my sermons must be getting better. That’s when he told me, “the lady that sang the song “I’ll just wait, I have plenty of time” really got to me. I knew I was a sinner and decided not to wait!”
Then I thought how fortunate I was to be able to see it happen even if I were not the catalyst.
Interesting events. Both very memorable to me. What happened with the first was too much attention on me. I should have had something to show my friend, a good tract, a Bible or something that took his attention off of me and focused it on the matter at hand.
What happened with the second was the attention was taken from me by the lady that sang the special (Thank God!!). My friend focused on himself and his need rather than on my bad behavior during High School.
For those who want to share their faith in Christ I would say make sure you have good material, a tract, book, Bible or something with you. A little help will go a long way.