Republics usually end in a bloody mess. The reason is because power and authority has been handed over to the wrong person(s) and the end result is law fare resulting in the death of political opponents.

I’m not so sure that we almost witnessed the “end of our republic” but except for the grace of God we almost witnessed law fare resulting in the death of a political opponent – namely Donald Trump. He was nearly assassinated.

In the book of Judges 9 we see a similar situation.

  1. Abilmelek was one of the seventy sons of Jerub-baal and he wanted to be the ruler.
  2. He told the citizens of Shechem it would be better to have one ruler than 70.
  3. He hired worthless men to accompany him.
  4. He went to his father’s house and killed all but one brother named Jotham who escaped his murderous campaign.

What’s really interesting is the parable that last living brother, Jotham, told to the men of Shechem, vs 7-15.

He said there were some trees, implied to be the majestic cedars of Lebanon, vs 15.

  1. The majestic cedars of Lebanon told the olive tree to reign over them. The olive tree refused because they were too busy producing olive oil. 
  2. So the majestic cedars of Lebanon told the fig tree to rule over them. The fig tree refused because it was too busy producing sweet fruit.
  3. Then the majestic cedars of Lebanon told the grape vine to rule over them. The grape vine said he was too busy producing wine to rule over them.
  4. Then the majestic cedars of Lebanon told the briars to rule over them. And the briars put stiff regulations on them. So stiff they could not stand tall.

The fulfillment of the prophecy resulted in the death of thousands of people. Then a woman dropped a millstone on Abimelek’s head resulting in his death.

In verse 55-56 it says, 

56 Thus God repaid the wickedness of Abimelech, which he had done to his father by killing his seventy brothers. 57 And all the evil of the men of Shechem God returned on their own heads, and on them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal.

The point of the parable is that God’s people are like the cedars of Lebanon, salt of the earth and light to the world. If they refuse to rule and reign in righteousness, or govern in godliness, they will be ruled by the lowest of the low.

Daniel 4:17 says, ‘This decision is by the decree of the watchers,
And the sentence by the word of the holy ones,
In order that the living may know
That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men,
Gives it to whomever He will,
And sets over it the lowest of men.’

Why does God put the lowest of men in charge? Because His children are too busy, or too cowardly and afraid to govern in godliness.

When the children of Israel left Egypt God gave them the Pentateuch — It’s a how to manual for government, religion and culture. It includes census, taxation, judicial system, capital punishment, military, etc. including religious rites and rituals for moral guidance and health, plus cultural expectations and norms.

The political world does not want God’s people to reign in righteousness or govern in godliness. They want to rule. And we have seen the sad result of it!

It’s time for God’s people to get involved in every aspect of politics, from the school board to local, county, state, and federal levels. If we don’t we should not complain when the lowest men rule over us.

The church has been told for the last several years that it is not relevant. The bars and honky tonks can remain open, and Lowes because they are relevant, but not the church. Close your doors.

God did not leave an irrelevant institution to take care of His kingdom business. I appeal to every one of God’s churches, large or small, to know just how important you are to God’s affairs in the world. Stand up and make your voice heard. Be salt. Be light. Be courageous. You are in the world for such a time as this. God is with you and will be with you. Do not be afraid.

I admire you. I appreciate you. And I am praying for you to stand tall!!! You’ve got this and God is on your side.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace.

©2025 KevinPlaster  February 3, 2025